FALL 2023 Session: September 19 – October 25
Please note that enrollment for some programs is managed by McKinley PTA, while enrollment for other programs is managed directly by the program provider.
For programs managed directly by the provider:
(Martial Arts, Friends of the Petaluma River “Flickers”, 4th–6th grade Chess)
- Look for the button below each program description to register directly with the program provider.
- Payment is made directly to the program provider and is due at registration.
- Friends of the Petaluma River offers scholarships for their program. Look for a separate button to access the scholarship application.
IMPORTANT: Registration for programs managed by providers is on a first-come, first-served basis. Register early for the best chance of getting a spot.
For programs managed by McKinley PTA:
(1st–3rd grade Jewelry Making, 1st–3rd grade Chess, 4th–6th grade Yoga)
UPDATE: Interest forms for these classes are now closed. Look for placement emails on Fri Sep 15.
- Look for the button below each program description to access that program’s interest form. Interest forms open the afternoon of Tuesday, September 5.
- Fill out an interest form for each program and student you’d like to enroll.
- The ASE Coordinator will contact you to confirm placement for the program(s) you requested. Placement emails will be sent out Friday, September 15.
- Once enrollment is confirmed, payment is due by Wednesday, September 20 via cash or check (made out to McKinley PTA) at the school office.
- Scholarships are available, and can be requested on the interest form.
IMPORTANT: Filling out an interest form does not guarantee a spot. Programs whose enrollment is managed by PTA will be filled by lottery if requests exceed the available space.
Questions? Contact Julia Blum: ase.mckinleyschool@gmail.com
TK and Kindergarten

Martial Arts with Schafer’s ATA
Wednesdays, 12:15–1:00 PM, $90
Room assignment coming soon
Six weeks of fun, skills empowerment classes: martial arts sessions, games, and drills. New students get a free belt!
Enroll directly through the Schafer’s ATA website (link below). McKinley PTA does not manage sign-ups for this program.
1st–3rd Grade

Flickers Nature Exploration with Friends of the Petaluma River
Tuesdays, 2:35–5:00 PM, $220 (scholarships available)
Friends’ Flickers gets young students outside, learning about and exploring nature through a place-based, play-focused after school program. Through standards-based lessons, hands-on activities, games, crafts and exploration along the Petaluma River, youth gain a great connection with and understanding of their local environment.
Note: Students will take walking field trips down Holly Lane with the Flickers instructors to spend time by the river.
Enroll directly through the Friends of the River website (link below). McKinley PTA does not manage sign-ups for this program. Financial aid is available, provided by Friends of the Petaluma River.

Chess with Novato Chess Club
Wednesdays, 1:05–2:05 PM, $75
Room assignment coming soon
Learn chess from an experienced instructor in a fun, interactive environment with your peers! All levels of skill are welcome.
Novato Chess Club is spreading chess — the game of reason, patience, sacrifice, and humility — into the homes, schools, and communities of Marin and Sonoma. We teach chess not to create superstars, but instead we strive for humble and patient use of the game.

Jewelry Making with Ms. Lisa
Wednesdays, 1:05–2:05 PM, $75
Room assignment coming soon
Make beautiful, wearable art pieces using all sorts of materials! Students will make beads out of paper, washers, clay and other materials and learn how to put pieces together and be creative with their designs. Students will have the opportunity to take home a new piece of jewelry that they made after each class. McKinley parent Lisa Baker has been making jewelry for over 25 years. Her main focus has been working with different types of beads, making necklaces, bracelets, earrings and even a few beaded chandeliers.

Martial Arts with Schafer’s ATA
Wednesdays, 1:05–2:00 PM, $90
Multipurpose Room
Six weeks of fun, skills empowerment classes: martial arts sessions, games, and drills. New students get a free belt!
Enroll directly through the Schafer’s ATA website (link below). McKinley PTA does not manage sign-ups for this program.
To request a scholarship:
Email the ASE Coordinator () as soon as possible to request a PTA-funded scholarship for Martial Arts. Please include your student’s name, grade, and teacher in your email.
4th–6th Grade

Flickers Nature Exploration with Friends of the Petaluma River
Tuesdays, 3:00–5:00 PM, $220 (scholarships available)
Friends’ Flickers gets young students outside, learning about and exploring nature through a place-based, play-focused after school program. Through standards-based lessons, hands-on activities, games, crafts and exploration along the Petaluma River, youth gain a great connection with and understanding of their local environment.
Note: Students will take walking field trips down Holly Lane with the Flickers instructors to spend time by the river.
Enroll directly through the Friends of the River website (link below). McKinley PTA does not manage sign-ups for this program. Financial aid is available, provided by Friends of the Petaluma River.

Chess with Chess for Kids
Wednesdays, 1:15–2:15 pm, $105 (siblings half-price, scholarships considered)
Room assignment coming soon
Learn chess from an experienced instructor in a fun, interactive environment with your peers! All levels of skill are welcome.
Chess for Kids is dedicated to bringing the benefits of chess to as many young people as possible in Sonoma and Napa counties. United States Chess Federation affiliate.
Enroll directly through the Chess for Kids website (link below). McKinley PTA does not manage sign-ups for this program.
To request a scholarship from Chess for Kids:
Send an email to that contains the following:
- “Requesting a scholarship for [your student’s name], McKinley School.”
- Your student’s grade
- Student pick-up instructions: Parent pick up or aftercare
- A contact phone number

Yoga with The Yoga Post
Wednesdays, 1:15–2:15 PM, $75
Room assignment coming soon
The Yoga Post is proud to offer Kids Yoga at McKinley! For 4th–6th grade students, this hour-long class will be taught by Ms. Hannah to tap into movement, meditation and mindfulness.
This is a great class for all levels, including beginners who haven’t made it onto their yoga mats before. Bring your yoga mat or use one of ours, and enjoy some time to relax, restore and move intentionally.

Martial Arts with Schafer’s ATA
Wednesdays, 1:15–2:00 PM, $90 (scholarships available)
Multipurpose Room
Six weeks of fun, skills empowerment classes: martial arts sessions, games, and drills. New students get a free belt!
Enroll directly through the Schafer’s ATA website (link below). McKinley PTA does not manage sign-ups for this program.
To request a scholarship:
Email the ASE Coordinator () as soon as possible to request a PTA-funded scholarship for Martial Arts. Please include your student’s name, grade, and teacher in your email.