PTA Accomplishments

2023-24 School Year

  • Earned 1st PLACE in the 14th District A+ unit contest for maintaining PTA compliance- winning $1,000 for the entire school!
  • Purchased school supplies for the entire school TK-7th and 8th grade (PACS)
  • Provided popsicles for all McKinley & PACS students at Meet the teacher Night
  • Provided lemonade for the First Family Picnic on the first Friday of the new school year for all of McKinley & PACS
  • Provided dinner at Back to School Night for all of McKinley & PACS
  • Paid for bilingual aide for McKinley
  • Paid for National Academy of Athletic PE teacher for all of McKinley & PACS
  • Implemented a brand new ASE management program to make signing up for ASE easier for McKinley & PACS families and our vendors
  • Organized the PTA closet
  • Added a student report brought to you by members of the PACS leadership team to the PTA agenda and monthly meetings
  • Complied a student/parent directory for all of McKinley & PACS
  • Complied a volunteer directory for all of McKinley & PACS
  • Paid for the mystery science subscription
  • Paid for the reflex math subscription
  • Planned and executed our annual Jog-a-thon- raising almost $80,000 for all of McKinley & PACS
  • Provided McKinley & PACS t-shirt to EVERY student at the school
  • Purchased blow up rainbow arch for jog-a-thon to be used year after year for this amazing event
  • Coordinated lunch time poster making parties for all of the students for jog-a-thon
  • Hosted several incentive parties for top contributors of jog-a-thon
  • Hosted a raffle for everyone who raised money for jog-a-thon
  • Hosted a Kids Night Out in the multi with crafts, dancing, pizza and a movie for certain jog-a-thon participants
  • Provided assistance for Family Picnic- Latin Heritage
  • Provided assistance to Boys & Gils club and their Día de los Muertos celebration by providing decorations and hosting decoration making parties
  • Assisted the school with the annual Holiday Giving program to provide gifts to families who needed extra help this holiday season
  • Planned and executed Winterfest- our beloved annual craft fair with free hot apple cider, music and crafts
  • Hosted a book swap where all students in McKinley & PACS were able to take home free books
  • Pledged $2,000 to the library for new books which benefits McKinley & PACS
  • Assisted with a plan to maintain the Rainwater Garden installed by Daily Acts in front of PACS
  • Provided a large number of sponsorships to 4th graders for the Gold Rush field trip
  • Released $6,000 to the McKinley & PACS theatre program for new equipment
  • Pledged $1,000 to Kindergarten for their field trip to the zoo
  • Purchased and sold new McKinley spirit wear- shirts, sweatshirts and hats
  • Brought the McKinley & PACS raffle permit current
  • Worked hard all year to maintain our 501c3 status
  • Brought McKinley PTA tax filings current
  • Provided pizza for Family Movie Night for McKinley & PACS
  • Provided funding for intercultural café for McKinley & PACS
  • Pledged to help pay for high school t-shirts for all outgoing PACS 8th graders
  • Planned and executed the annual MUSTANG SOCIAL- silent auction, live auction, dessert auction and raffle event for ALL McKinley & PACS adults to raise $40K+ for the school

2022-2023 School Year

  • Secured a grant from the California Arts Council to fund the Performing Arts programs through 2024
  • Secured a grant from Releaf Petaluma to plant trees on the McKinley campus
  • Purchased essential school supplies for every McKinley/PACS student
  • Provided Teacher Supply Funds for all McKinley/PACS teachers
  • Provided $22,000 for a new playground to be built on our campus during the summer of 2022
  • Provided funding for a lower grade PE teacher
  • Coordinated Jog-a-thon and Mustang Social Spring fundraisers
  • Purchased site license of Reflex Math app
  • Coordinated several Staff Appreciation events throughout the school year
  • Set up an inflatable ninja warrior course for all students as a Jog-a-thon fundraising incentive at the end of the fall semester
  • Hosted a Winter Festival with refreshments, crafts, and handmade items for sale by our talented community members

2021-2022 School Year

  • Partnered with Baskin-Robbins to give every McKinley student a free scoop of ice cream to celebrate the start of the new school year
  • Hosted a family Zumba Night at the beginning of the school year
  • Hosted a Virtual Bingo Night in the fall
  • Paid for signs to help direct traffic outside of the school at pick up and drop off
  • Coordinated Jog-a-thon and Mustang Social Spring fundraisers
  • Paid for lower grade Bilingual Instructional Assistant
  • Provided Teacher Supply Funds for all McKinley teachers
  • Purchased site license of Reflex Math app
  • Purchased second Gaga Ball pit
  • Coordinated several Staff Appreciation events throughout the school year
  • Coordinated Giving Tree for families and classrooms
  • Set up an inflatable ninja warrior course for all students as a Jog-a-thon fundraising incentive at the end of the fall semester
  • Hosted a Winter Festival with refreshments, crafts, and handmade items for sale by our talented community members
  • Family Engagement Committee coordinated the recruitment of parent/guardian volunteers for additional playground supervision during lunchtime and recess.
  • Provided funding for a lower grade PE teacher
  • Hosted “Ancestor’s Table” to celebrate the wonderfully diverse cultural heritage of families at McKinley
  • Participated in the National PTA School of Excellence Program surveying families to gauge areas for PTA to focus efforts to better serve all families
  • Organized After School Enrichment program and provided full and partial tuition scholarships for students to participate
  • Hosted a McKinley PTA “Block Party” to reconnect families and create community post distance learning
  • Funded visits to our campus from the Bay Area Discovery Museum Try-It Truck and Classroom Safari
  • Purchased new microphones for our Performing Arts program
  • Provided $22,000 for a new playground to be built on our campus during the summer of 2022
  • Provided funding for our Performing Arts program’s performance of the Lion King

2020-2021 School Year

  • Paid for lower grade Bilingual Instructional Assistant
  • Provided Teacher Supply Funds for all McKinley teachers
  • Provided funds for new classroom set-up for six classrooms
  • Purchased water-bottle filling stations for the McKinley campus
  • Purchased portable handwashing stations
  • Provided funds for Spanish curriculum materials
  • Hosted free drive-in family movie night at the Fairgrounds
  • Raised funds for McKinley Cares fund to provide grocery gift cards for families in need
  • Coordinated Holiday Giving Tree
  • Coordinated Dance-A-Thon virtual fundraiser
  • Organized an online Spring Auction Fundraiser
  • Coordinated Staff Appreciation Events every trimester
  • Provided funds for back-to-school signs to decorate the campus for hybrid learning
  • Family Engagement Committee hosted a wildly successful free Virtual Bingo Night with lots of prizes from local vendors
  • Provided funds for new classroom robot sets for grades 3-5
  • Purchased t-shirts for graduating students

2019-2020 School Year

  • Paid for lower grade Bilingual Instructional Assistant
  • Subsidized field trip expenses at all grade levels
  • Subsidized James K music for grades TK through 1st
  • Coordinated the Holiday Giving program to support McKinley families
  • Coordinated Teacher/Staff Giving Tree to support our McKinley staff
  • Provided January Teacher Supply Funds for all classroom teachers
  • Provided a Curriculum Grant Fund
  • Provided grant money in January for non-classroom teachers and staff
  • Paid for Garden Coordinator (Fall and Spring)
  • Created TIDE committee to provide staff and community members to attend local trainings in diversity, inclusion, and equity for free
  • Put on the Winter Carnival event as a “give back” to our McKinley Community
  • Provided funds for new classroom setup for four teachers
  • Instituted monthly Intercultural Cafe events
  • Coordinated Jogathon fundraiser
  • Organized an online Spring Auction Fundraiser
  • Coordinated monthly Staff Appreciation Events
  • Purchased reusable jerseys for use at West Side Relays and other events
  • Provided popsicles for Meet the Teacher event
  • Provided food for Back to School Night
  • Coordinated Red Ribbon Week decorating which won McKinley $500

2018-2019 School Year

  • Provided volunteers to assemble Back to School packets
  • Provided popsicles for Meet the Teacher event
  • Provided food for Back to School Night
  • Provided funds for new classroom setup for three teachers
  • Provided extra classroom supply funds for six teachers changing grade levels
  • Paid for Garden Coordinator (Fall and Spring)
  • Paid for lower grade Bilingual Instructional Assistant
  • Coordinated monthly Staff Appreciation Events
  • Coordinated Jogathon fundraiser
  • Replaced scanner, computer, and printer in Library 
  • Coordinated school gear/Spirit Wear sales
  • Subsidized field trip expenses at all grade levels
  • Subsidized James K music for grades TK through 1st
  • Instituted monthly Intercultural Cafe events
  • Coordinated Red Ribbon Week decorating which won McKinley $500
  • Supplied funds for Safe School Ambassador program
  • Coordinated weekly school newsletter (Digital and Print)
  • Provided Principal “Kudos” Fund 
  • Provided emergency technology backup fund
  • Worked year-round to maintain compliance with 501c3 status
  • Coordinated Tile Fundraiser to support improvements to Multi
  • Supported and helped coordinate McKinley Garden Rebuild
  • Put on the Winter Carnival event as a “give back” to our McKinley Community
  • Coordinated the Holiday Giving program to support McKinley families
  • Coordinated Teacher/Staff Giving Tree to support our McKinley staff
  • Provided January Teacher Supply Funds for all classroom teachers
  • Provided grant money in January for non-classroom teachers and staff
  • Paid for Coordinator for Spring Garden program
  • Provided special fund for school assemblies
  • Organized Spring Auction Fundraiser at Lagunitas
  • Provided funds for lighting for Performing Arts
  • Purchased EZ Up Canopy for use at West Side Relays and other events
  • Provided funds for cart for new 3D Printer
  • Purchase Gaga Ball pit, TripleShoot game, and Sensory walk