Lunch Time Volunteers Needed

Parent Volunteer Lunch Support Program

Volunteer just one recess (10:05 – 10:45 am) or lunchtime (11:45 am – 1:00pm) per week (more or less if you’d like), one-month commitment.

Volunteers will support recess and/or lunchtime eating/recess for 1st through 8th graders (parents of TK and K also welcome to volunteer). You will assist during two timeframes, 1st – 3rd grade, and/or 4th – 8th grade*.

Volunteers will ensure students eat snack/lunch, clean up after themselves and stay safe during recess play. Volunteers have the opportunity to utilize or build skills in conflict management, basic first aid and social coaching skills will be developed.

Questions? Need help signing up for a shift?
Contact the front office at 707-778-4750