Prior to making a purchase and submitting an expense, please make sure you know the budget for the expenditure. Any expense that has not been budgeted for will need to be approved by the PTA beforehand.
To submit your request:
- Fill out a reimbursement request form. These can be found in the PTA box in the office. The reimbursement form can also be downloaded here.
- Drop off your completed expense form with copies of your receipt attached to the PTA box in the office. Please do not email forms. Clarify on your form if you’d like your check mailed or would like to pick it up at the office.
- Reimbursement forms will be picked up from the school on the 1st and the 15th of every month.
- Forms received by the 1st will be paid out by the 15th. Forms received by the 15th will be paid out by the 1st. You may also have the vendors invoice the PTA directly if that is an option. We make every effort to process your requests in a timely manner but please be mindful that the PTA board is made up of volunteers.
- Reimbursement forms MUST BE SUBMITTED BY THE LAST DAY OF THE SCHOOL YEAR unless you have made other arrangements in writing that have been confirmed in writing by the treasurer (). Forms received after the end of the school year will be processed in August of the following school year and will be considered a part of that year’s budget.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions at