PTA General Meeting this Wednesday at 6:30pm
Join us this Wednesday, December 15th at 6:30pm via Zoom for our December PTA meeting!
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 895 7898 0966
Passcode: 951084

Last chance to participate in the Giving Tree for Classrooms!
The Giving Tree is in full swing and we need your help to assist in replenishing out children’s classrooms with all the much needed materials and other supplies.
This year the PTA will match the amount we raise so teachers can enjoy double the resources for their classroom!
Visit our Giving Tree portal to choose and purchase your gift card to a classroom
Deadline to participate is Friday 12/17

After School Enrichment Winter Session – Enrollment Starts Now
Martial Arts (TK-3) – $90
Schafer’s ATA Martial Arts teach children to be confident, disciplined, and respectful leaders in our community. Students will receive belts and have opportunities to test for stripes at the end of each session. The cost is $90.
Our six-week winter session begins Thursday, January 6th and ends February 10th. Classes will meet in room 13.
TK/K – Thursdays, 1:45pm-2:30pm
Grades 1-3 – Thursdays, 2:40pm-3:25pm
Click here to register for Martial Arts now!
Chess (K-6) – $120
Novice players will learn the basic principles of the game. Intermediate and advanced players will focus on tactics, strategies, algebraic notation, and game analysis.
Develop and nurture good sportsmanship.
Session begins Wednesday, January 26th and ends Wednesday, March 16th.
Grades K-6: Wednesdays 1:20 – 2:20 pm
Register for Chess Now

On-campus Volunteer Opportunity: Lunch Duty!
Do you know…
- How to play Gaga Ball (or even, what a Gaga Ball is)?
- How oreo wrappers end up in your kiddo’s lunchbox, when you didn’t send oreos to school?
- Who your child plays with outside on the blacktop?
Get answers to all these questions (and more) starting January 3rd, 2022!
We need your help!
Volunteers needed for our first Lunch Support Pilot Program. Just one lunchtime per week (or more if you’d like), one-month commitment to start (11:45am – 1:00pm). We welcome a 6-month commitment, but you can start by committing to January. Quick overview, requirements, and sign up genius link below.
Volunteers will support lunchtime eating and recess for 1st through 6th graders (parents of TK and K also welcome to volunteer). You will assist during two shifts, 1st – 3rd grade, and 4th – 6th grade. Volunteers will ensure students eat lunch, clean up after themselves and stay safe during recess play. Volunteers have the opportunity to utilize or build skills in conflict management, basic first aid and social coaching skills will be developed.
- TB Assessment (@ McKinley, good for 3 years. This is free)
- Proof of Covid Vaccine
- School Volunteer Application
- Short Zoom Training with Principal Larson (Live or Rewatch)
- 1 Consistent Lunchtime Day/ Week Commitment for January
Click here to sign up – grab a friend to join you, or plan to make new friends!
Questions, or need help signing up for a shift? Contact the PTA Family Engagement Team:
Lori Engelhardt (415) 706-9591
Alicia Callejas (habla español) (501) 398-8116
Elizabeth Harris (habla español) (310) 251-2191
Once signed up, you’ll be contacted directly to schedule your TB assessment and training.
But… hey, does this leave you wanting more? Do you want to spend 5 lunchtimes/ week on campus? There are several open, paid Yard Duty Positions for hire. Contact Principal Larson for more details.

Thank You to the Winter Festival Team!
A huge thank you to everyone who helped on the Winter Festival team led by Rebecca Hachmeyer and Emily Betts.
Planning & Execution Team:
Emily Betts
Rebecca Hachmyer
Kristen Joyce
Erica Kliewer
Alanna Murphy
Sarah Winders
Kristin Richman
Event Volunteers
Matt Richman
Tracie Hankers
Courtney Wolfe
Elda Molina
Alma Gonzalez
Julie Glew
Cesar Barahona
Staci Stern
Vanessa Nelson
Thank you also to Oliver’s Market for donating 16 gallons of organic apple juice!
And a huge thank you to to the vendors for helping to make the evening festive and engaging, the front office staff, the custodial team, the PACS maestro and band, the PTA, and to Principal Larson for their work and support in making it all happen!
We’ve received a few thank you emails from families who came and want to extend our sincere gratitude for your incredible vision, pulling it together so quickly and making it a beautiful night for all.

Looking for last minute holiday gift ideas for our wonderful teachers and staff?
Look no further! Click here to find a list for the favorite stores and restaurants of our McKinley/PACS staff.

Are you shopping on Amazon.com for your holiday gifts?
You can earn money for McKinley every time you buy merchandise through Amazon.com at no extra cost to you. Shop through smile.amazon.com and the charity of your choice will receive a portion of your purchase.
Follow these instructions to add McKinley as your chosen non-profit. You may also configure your Amazon mobile app to ensure all your purchases are credited to our school.

Volunteer Coaches Needed for Girls on the Run this Spring!
Girls on the Run is coming to McKinley this spring and we need coaches to help with the program.
What is Girls on the Run? Girls on the Run is a 10-week life skills learning program powered by running that meets twice a week for 90 minutes. The program teaches 3rd-6th (3-5 or 4-6) grade girls about health, friendship, body image, self-esteem and service while training for a 5k. Learn more about Girls on the Run!
Read more information about coaching here.
To learn more, email Megan McClellan, Program Director at or visit our website at gotrsonomacounty.org/coach to complete the application.

Upcoming Events
12/14 – Dine and Donate at Brewsters
12/15 – PTA General Meeting via Zoom at 6:30pm
12/17 – Last day to participate in Giving Tree for Classrooms